
Geography and Climate

Geographical boundaries

District Maharajganj is situated on the northeast corner of the state, whose latitudinal expansion lies between 25.50 to 26.20 degrees north latitude and 83.25 to 84.20 degrees east longitude, which is about 200 feet above sea level. The boundaries of this district are in Nepal, Bihar state and district Kushinagar in the east, Gorakhpur in the south, and Saint Kabir Nagar in the west.

Weather / Climate

Maharajganj district is situated in sub-tropical zone. Due to its mere 15 kms away from the Himalayas, the Himalayan Mountains are more affected than its latitudes located here. In this district Western winds run from November to May. Due to the flow in the terrestrial area here the winds are dry. From June to October, the southern western monsoon winds flow in this district. They originate from the ocean due to vapor, and they have rainfall from summer. The climate of this district is downstream monsoon.
The average temperature of May and June in this district is 30.38 degree centigrade and 29.64 centigrade. The temperature of May month is 40.30 degree centigrade. January is 21.75 degrees centigrade and average temperature is 13.81 degree centigrade. Due to the Sun’s density at this time, this district, which is located in the northern hemisphere, gets lesser strength. The daily average temperature from May to October is less than 18 degree centigrade. The highest minimum temperature of April to September is more than 19.82 degrees centigrade. Occasionally inequality in temperature due to western disturbances in the months of May and April.


The annual rainfall of Maharajganj is more than other parts of the state due to the near Himalayan foothills. Rainfall is high in the northern part of the district. But the amount of rainfall in the south is gradually decreasing. The effect of southwest monsoon starts from mid-June, and till mid-July the entire district comes under influence of monsoon. Monsoon has more effect in July, August and September. The cyclone arising from the Bay of Bengal enters this district on the northwest side. The influence of the district is affected by their influence.

Winter Season

The entire district falls under the influence of monsoon from mid-October to the north eastern winter. The average temperature of November month is 20.6 degree Celsius and the daily temperature is less than 16.5 degree Celsius. In this season, there is some rainfall from the cyclones coming from the west. This rain is a boon for the production of Rabi of this district.

Summer time

As the beginning of March, the temperature starts increasing gradually. The average temperature of March is 22.63 degree Celsius. The highest temperature of this month is 32.05 degree Celsius and the minimum temperature is 13.88 degree Celsius. The daily temperature is 17.93 degree Celsius in the month of April and the daily temperature of May is 18.24 degree Celsius. Rainfall in this season is good for zayed crops.